Download My Free Weekly Planner

Download My Free Weekly Planner

Fill in the form on this page to receive a free PDF weekly planner. The planner not only has space for the things that need doing, but also space to reflect on them once the day is done. Reflection is so important – it helps prevent us from getting stuck in a rut and running on that hamster wheel, not going anywhere.

I’ve also included a daily “5 minutes free” section. This doesn’t have to be set on 5 minutes – it can be any duration you want. The whole point is to make sure you stop what you are doing and do one thing FOR YOU every day. Be that 5 minutes meditation, a catch up call with a friend or half an hour working ON your business, not in it.

There’s also three important sections on the right hand side. The first is a 30 minute slot of you time – again this can be longer or shorter but is designed with self care in mind. That might be going for a horse ride, a dog walk, booking a massage, just something which helps you feel you. Next is the Win Of The Week. So often we forget to celebrate our weekly achievements but here you have space to take note of your success and celebrate! Lastly, is the Fuck It Bucket! Let’s face it, there’s always something which doesn’t go to plan. Was it a toddler tantrum? Was it forgetting to order the weekly food shop or car trouble? Once you’ve reflected on it, just chuck it in that bucket and move on!

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